In this blog, I share my experiences. My articles, books, and scientific papers are available in the profile and publications sections of the above menu. What I share here are honest, brave, and friendly comments that are mostly experiential and based on personal attitudes, feelings, and opinions. In the threads, I try to open questions instead of answering any.


A lot of experiences are behind each CV which may not  ... continue

How much we are able to have a good dialogue with others? … continue 

Why did I end up creating this blog? Each of us is full of unsaid… continue 

Are people more cold because of the cold climate? .. continue 

How much a coward friend can be reliable?.. continue 

What is the priority of human life needs? …. continue 

How is it possible we lie without knowing? … continue 

I am not anti-social but not social either .. continue

Where is the place of money in your life? .. continue 

?Does culture define etichs and morality? … countinue

The Persian language is the language of poetry, song, and dance. It would be unfair if I didn’t include one of them on my blog. So I included a song by an Iranian singer (Daria) who sings an Afghan song in Persian (with a Dari accent). It speaks of shared pain… I hope one day I can add a happier song with more cultural features.

My Land

I have become homeless. I have moved from one home to another. Without you, I have always been with sorrow shoulder to shoulder.

My only love, my existence.  My poems and songs have no meaning without you.

My land, so exhausted of persecutes. My land, Without any hymn and song.

My land, impatient without medicine (hope). Who has sung your sorrow? (No one has sung)

My land, who has opened your way?2 (No one has solved)

My land, who has been loyal to you? (No one has been), who stole your smile.

My land, my moon, and my star, my new way, I can’t live anywhere but in you.

They stole your treasures to enrich themselves. Everyone, in turn, broke your heart.

My land, you’re like someone who is awaiting.

My land, you’re like a grieved heart.

My land, you’re like a desert full of dust.