Reading my CV and Publications introduces an important part of my life. But behind every professional resume, there are experiences that if they are not more important than the scientific resume, definitely they are not less. Understandably, most academic people prefer to keep their personal ideas and experiences unsaid, however, knowing them may seem interesting to others. The real experiences that are behind academic life in the introduction of a personal biography or an analytical resume.

Unversity of Malaya  (2013)

Tampere University (2023)

My previous students are my today’s friends (2018)

An International seminar in Kuala Lampur (2011)

With my colleague, Prof. Norozi (2015)

Presenting at the conference. Tampere (2019)

Presenting TQM at Rodehen University (2008)

With my Master’s degree students (2016)

Ph.D. researchers gathering at University of Malaya (2010)

Presenting in Hoel Legend (2008)

End of a Course at UM (2011)

CHI 2023 conference in Hamburge

International Conference At Tampere University (2019)

Presenting at the international conference (2010)